Most of the people in the world's 2000 towns are out of the light.

Normally, we are all online at this time. Now we have such a chance to turn off the computer and watch the night quietly. It is also very good. A classmate from Kunming Science and Technology Jinqiao College said. From 20:30 to 21:30 on the 28th, more than 2,000 towns in 24 time zones around the world took part in the Earth Hour campaign initiated by the World Wide Fund for Nature. Many cities in China also responded to the Earth for an hour, Beijing, Shanghai, Relevant activities will be held in Hong Kong, Nanjing, Chengdu, Kunming and other cities. According to Zhang Enyuan, assistant director of the marketing department of Kunming Southern Power Grid Corporation, Kunming turned off the lights for one hour last night, which saved about 70,000 to 100,000 kWh.

Mall mobilizes employees to turn off the lights at home

At 20:30 on the 28th, the Kunming Department Store in the most prosperous area of ​​Kunming closed the window and billboard spotlights on the facade of the building. Although there is no light in the mall, at the entrance of the mall, a waiter issues a one-hour flyer to the Earth. The Kunming Department Store also mobilized employees who did not go to work that day to turn off their lights for one hour at home.

At the same time on the 28th, the lights in the office area of ​​the Wal-Mart store in Kunming were closed. The supermarket broadcast also called on consumers to jointly promote environmental protection and energy conservation for all. According to Dong Yu, who is responsible for the promotion work of Wal-Mart, from March 21st to 28th, Wal-Mart supermarket stores have turned off 1/3 of the lighting equipment from 8:00 to 9:00 and 13:00 to 14:00. The back office also extinguished 1/3 of the lights from 12 to 13 every day, and the company's employees also participated in the global lights-out activities at home.

Coca-Cola Yunnan's external publicity office, a surnamed Li staff, said that since March 23, Yunnan Coca-Cola has begun to spread information about Earth Hour's activities to corporate customers, suppliers, employees and employees' families and friends. More people log on to and to sign up for voting for the Earth. Tonight, our company will extinguish the office building lights in the factory area and the billboard lights in the operating area. It also recommends that the company's customers, partners and suppliers extinguish and dim the light boxes in the store and the lighting sources of the store. Support the Earth for an hour. Miss Li said.

College student concert launch signature

At 19:30 on the 28th, the students of Kunming Science and Technology Jinqiao College lit up candles around the student community. The bulletin board was marked with a one-hour student for the Earth. At 20:30, the Earth One-Hour Music Concert kicked off and nearly 200 students participated in the event. Many of the school's student residences consciously extinguished the lights at 20:30.

Xiao Zhang, the president of Tongchuang Society of Yunnan Normal University's School of Tourism and Geography, said that the association has promoted the event to students from lunch and dinner since last week. There are a lot of students asking, but not many. Xiao Zhang said that members of the community had to organize a starlight party spontaneously, perform a sequel on the school lawn, and use the expertise they have learned to publicize the significance of the event. The party attracted a total of hundreds of students.

The campus of Kunsan Third Middle School also had a blackout as scheduled. Teachers and students went to the playground to gather, play basketball, or play freely. Several interviewed students said that the event was very meaningful and could encourage the whole society to save resources and protect the environment. But they said that after the power outage, it was indeed inconvenient. A girl pointed at the buildings around the school and asked: Why are they? Not stopping?

Citizens go out for a walk and respond to energy saving

Go out for a walk at 8:30 and support the Earth for an hour. At 20:30 yesterday, Mr. Liu, who lives in Yinhai Forest, said that after seeing the posters about the Earth for one hour in the first two days, their family decided to respond positively. We usually went for a walk at 7:30 in the evening. Today, I will postpone an hour home to contribute to energy conservation.

At 20:30 yesterday, the lighting power of this newspaper was also closed for one hour. The editors and reporters who went to work all joined the one-hour event supporting the Earth.

Most people don’t know the earth for an hour.

At 20:30 yesterday, Kunming Dongfeng Square was still bright and bright as usual. The reporter randomly asked several citizens and said that they did not know that there was such an activity. The urban management team members who are patrolling happen to know this activity, but they said that Dongfeng Square is a public place, and the lighting is not extinguished for many years. Otherwise, the public activities are inconvenient and there will be public Security cases. He pointed to several hotels and shopping malls around him and said: Their lights should be closed.

In Jinma Biji Square, the spotlights on Jinmafang and Bijifang were extinguished for an hour, but the many bars next to it were still bright and the music was ringing through the night sky. In a bar where foreigners gather, candles are lit on each table, but a waiter tells reporters that they are not doing Earth Hour activities or knowing about this event.

On the entire street of Cultural Lane, only one restaurant called Indian cuisine participated in the event. Restaurant director Linda told reporters that she saw the promotion advertisement of the event on the Internet the day before yesterday and felt very meaningful, so she went to the store to advocate. Linda was worried that the sudden turn-off of the lights would cause inconvenience to the dining guests, and she also printed some leaflets for the guests. At 20 o'clock yesterday, the restaurant staff began to publicize to the guests. Since most of our guests are young people, they know that they will support them in the future. At 20:30, the lights were turned off on time and the candles were lit. Linda said that the business in the store was not affected by the lights out. On the contrary, the guests felt that the dinner in the candlelight also had a different flavor.

According to Zhang Enyuan, assistant director of the marketing department of Kunming China Southern Power Grid Corporation, if the electric light is extinguished for one hour, it is estimated that if the participation of the whole people is great, such as business and enterprises can respond positively, yesterday’s event was only in Kunming. It can save 70,000 to 100,000 kWh. We stopped an hour today and did not advocate the use of electricity. Instead, we hoped to promote an awareness of environmental protection and energy conservation through such actions. Zhang Enyuan believes that saving electricity will save coal and bring greater benefits to the environment.

All the staff of the Energy Conservation Office of the Yunnan Provincial Economic Commission also actively participated in the lights-out operation. As an energy-saving office staff, we should actively respond to such activities and hope that more citizens will voluntarily participate in the activities and do their part to protect the earth. Deputy Director of the Energy Conservation Office said.

Where are you when the Earth is active for an hour?


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